Office of the Ombuds | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

ombuds的作用是提供一种资源来改善十大赌博信誉的平台互动和分享社区的方式. In line with our Humanics philosophy, 十大赌博信誉的平台努力在春田学院社区参与的各个方面保持平衡. Access to an ombuds can support that balance. Amy Sereday is the first-ever ombuds at Springfield College. A self-described conflict resolution practitioner, Sereday带来了多年作为调解员和调解员的经验(参见下面关于Amy Sereday部分了解更多信息)。.

监察员办公室建立在四大支柱之上:独立, impartiality, informality, and confidentiality. ombuds通过自愿咨询和提供信息来协助校园内的个人和团体, guidance, 协助制定解决冲突或关切的备选方案. The ombuds aims to build trust, enhance relationships, 改善十大赌博靠谱信誉网站社区内的沟通. 十大赌博信誉的平台可以共同努力,继续培养一种重视善良、正直和包容的文化.

ombuds服务的众多目标之一是促进建立一个对冲突作出反应的社区.  Conflict is an opportunity; a sign that something needs to change. Imagine a pebble in your shoe.  If left there, you could really hurt yourself. 但十大赌博信誉的平台感受到的疼痛是一个信号,让十大赌博信誉的平台停下来,把鹅卵石从鞋子里拿出来, and you can go back to walking, running, and enjoying life without pain. 当十大赌博信誉的平台以这种方式思考冲突时,它就变成了一个积极的机会. 但就像那块鹅卵石一样,冲突也会让人很不舒服! 十大赌博信誉的平台经常避免冲突,因为十大赌博信誉的平台不知道如何最好地解决它. This is where the Office of the Ombuds can help, as a safe, confidential space to talk about and resolve conflict.

The Four Pillars


Independence. 监察员独立于其他组织实体运作,在组织内不担任可能产生实际或感知利益冲突的其他职务.

Impartiality. 监察员倡导公平公正的程序,但不与任何个人结盟.

Confidentiality*. 未经向办公室透露信息的个人许可,ombuds不会透露带到办公室的任何信息. *本保密承诺的唯一例外情况是,如果监察员得知对任何人(自己或他人)造成严重伤害的迫在眉睫的风险。, or to the safety of the College community, 除了公开信心,没有其他合理的选择.

Informality. The ombuds serves as an off-the-record resource, and has no authority to make binding decisions, mandate policies, conduct formal investigations, or adjudicate issues for the organization.

About Amy Sereday

Springfield College - Amy Sereday

A peacemaker and problem-solver by nature, Amy Sereday找到了解决冲突的实践者这一职业并不奇怪. 冲突可能是生活中的一个事实,但它不一定是破坏性的. Sereday的信念是,如果十大赌博信誉的平台把冲突看作是让生活更美好的机会,那么冲突也可以是一件好事.

作为调解人和律师助理,seeday帮助无数个人解决和预防纠纷. Prior to joining Springfield College, 她曾在康涅狄格学院担任教职员工. In addition to serving as our College ombuds, 她在哥伦比亚大学教授谈判和冲突解决课程. 

Sereday拥有哥伦比亚大学谈判和冲突解决理学硕士学位, 哈特福德大学法律研究学士学位证书, 获得西康涅狄格州立大学传播学文学学士学位. 她获得了国际监察蓓蕾协会认证的组织监察蓓蕾从业者的称号.



What is the role of an ombuds?


在解决冲突时充当有同理心的倾听者并提供帮助, issues, and disputes. 


When should I visit an ombuds?

At any time! It is never too early to visit an ombuds. 如果你在校园里遇到问题,不知道该向哪里求助, ombuds可以帮助你理清思路,找到下一步. 想要学习在冲突发生之前预防冲突的策略? The ombuds can help with that, too!

What types of issues can the ombuds help with?


  • 与学生、教授、同事或主管发生冲突
  • Struggling with work/life balance
  • Questioning a College policy or procedure
  • Facing an ethical dilemma
  • Help finding resources
  • Incivility or bullying on campus
  • Help giving or receiving feedback
  • Group or team issues

What can I expect from my visit with an ombuds?

During your first visit, the ombuds will spend time with you, 倾听并充分理解你所关心的问题. 您将讨论到目前为止已经探索的选项,并一起头脑风暴新的选项. 这些芽会帮助你确定下一步该做什么. This may include referring you to a formal process, 比如向院长或人力资源部投诉, or filing a grievance. ombuds通常会建议你自己解决问题的策略, however, mediation may also be suggested. 

The ombuds may need to conduct some informal inquiries, 比如研究大学政策或纪律程序. 

ombuds将继续提供支持,您可能需要或想要多次访问. 监察员可能会定期与你联系,以确保情况有所改善, 或者每个人都遵循调解协议.